Volume 5.1
VOLUME 5 • NUMBER 1 • 1992
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The CATESOL Journal Editorial Staff
1991-1992 CATESOL Board of Directors
Editors’ Note
Dorothy S. Messerschmitt and Denise Murray
Guest Editors’ Note
Marguerite Ann Snow and Donna M. Brinton
Syllabus Design in Content-Based Instruction
David E. Eskey
How Relevant Is Relevance?:
An Examination of Student Needs, Interests, and
Motivation in the Content-Based University Classroom
James F. Valentine, Jr. and Lyn Margaret Repath-Martos
Creating Content-Based Language Tests:
Guidelines for Teachers
Jean L. Turner
Realbooks: Literature as Content in ESL Classrooms
Marianne Boretz, Gary Colombo, Carl Friedlander,
Ron Lapp, Peter Sotiriou, and Bernadette Tchen
What Is the Relationship Between Content-Based
Instruction and English for Specific Purposes?
Ann M. Johns
What Are Some Considerations for Teacher Training
in Content-Based Instruction?
Peter Master
How Can ESL and Content Teachers Work Effectively
Together in Adjunct Courses?
Young Gee
What Is the Relationship Between Workplace Literacy
and Content-Based Instruction?
Rosemary Henze and Anne Katz
What Do VESL and Content-Based Instruction
Have in Common?
Kathleen Wong
Is Whole Language Teaching Compatible With
Content-Based Instruction?
David and Yvonne Freeman
How Are Content-Based Instructional Practices
Reflected in Sheltered English?
Nina Glaudini Rosen
What Are the Benefits of Cooperative Learning
in Content-Based Instruction?
Rocio Flores Moss
What Is the Role of Teaching Culture in
Content-Based Instruction?
Sharon Hilles and Dennis Lynch
How Can We Encourage Active Learning Strategies
in Content-Based Second Language Instruction?
Kate Kinsella
How Can Thematic ESL Units Be Used
in the Elementary Classroom?
Sabrina Peck
How Can Content-Based Instruction Be Implemented
at the High School Level?
Eva Wegrzecka-Monkiewicz
How Does One Go About Developing Content-Based
Materials for the Commercial ESL/EFL Market?
Patricia A. Richard-Amato
What Challenges Do Content-Based Program Administrators Face?
Donna M. Brinton
What Options Exist for Funding Content-Based Programs?
Marguerite Ann Snow
Please click on the word “Reviews” to download the reviews listed below.
Science for Language Learners
by Ann K. Fathman and Mary Ellen Quinn
Reviewed by Lauren Hartford-Brewer
Content-Area ESL: Social Studies
by Dennis Terdy
Reviewed by Karin Aguilar
Past, Present, and Future: A Reading-Writing Text, 3rd ed.
by Joan Young Gregg and Joan Russell
Reviewed by Julia Ann Collins
The English Connection:
A Content-Based Grammar and Discussion Text, 2nd ed.
by Gail Fingado, Leslie J. Freeman, Mary Reinbold Jerome,
and Catherine Vaden Summers
Reviewed by Sharon Hilles
Basically Academic: An Introduction to EAP
by Pat Currie
Reviewed by Rechelle Schimke de Alvarado
Bridge to College Success:
Intensive Academic Preparation for Advanced Students
by Heather Robertson
Reviewed by Marguerite Dubois
Lexis: Academic Vocabulary Study
by Arline Burgmeier, Gerry Eldred,
and Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman
Reviewed by Rachel Gader
Reading at the University
by Linda Harbaugh Hillman
Reviewed by Lucy Hahn Kazakes
Bridging the Gap: College Reading, 3rd ed.
by Brenda D. Smith
Reviewed by Linda Caputo
Insights Into Academic Writing:
Strategies for Advanced Students
by Margot C. Kadesch, Ellen D. Kolba, and Sheila C. Crowell
Reviewed by Elizabeth Ahlers
Writing Up Research: Experimental Research
Report Writing for Students of English
by Robert Weissberg and Suzanne Buker
Reviewed by Barbara Laube