Volume 15.1
VOLUME 15 • NUMBER 1 • 2003
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The CATESOL Journal Editorial Staff
2003-2004 CATESOL Board of Directors
Editors’ Note
Mark Roberge and Kate Kinsella
CATESOL Yesterday and Today
—Tomorrow Is Left to Younger Hands
Robert Kaplan
Introduction to the Theme Section
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
A Brief History of CALL Theory
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
Attitudes and Opinions About Computers and Computer Games,
Inside and Outside the Classroom
Antonella Cortese
Student Perceptions of Classroom Technology
Maggie Sokolik
Technology and the Teaching of Oral Skills
Marsha Chan
Electronic Discussion Forums and English Learners
Mary Jewell
Playfulness in Writing: A New Way to Reach Reluctant
Novice Elementary School Writers
Ellen Lipp
Teaching Literature to ESL Students Using Task-Based Learning
Natasha Azarian
Applying Second Language Research Results in the
Design of More Effective ESL Discussion Activities
Keith Folse
Of Cows, and Cowards, and Content-Based Instruction:
The Six Ts Approach to Literature
Natalie Hess
Plagiarism as a Cross-Cultural Phenomenon
Karen Russikoff, Liliane Fucaloro, and Dalia Salkauskiene
Making Linguistics Relevant: A Service-Learning Experience
Ellen Johnson and Christina G. Bucher
Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness in Intercultural
Communication Classes Through an Analysis of Cultural Bumps
Swathi Vanniarajan
A Broader View of Culture in TESOL: A Response to
Frazier’s “The Trouble With Cultural Oversensitivity”
Linda Buckley
Please click on the word “Reviews” to download the reviews listed below.
Treatment of Error in Second Language Student Writing
by Dana Ferris
Reviewed by David Johnson
Text and Thought: An Integrated Approach to College
Reading and Writing (2nd ed.)
by Lanny Lester and Judith Resnick
Reviewed by Peony Liu
Vocabulary in Language Teaching
by Norbert Schmitt
Reviewed by Chiharu Ikenouchi
Reviewing Basic Grammar: A Guide to Writing Sentences
and Paragraphs (5th ed.)
by Mary Laine Yarber and Robert E. Yarber
Reviewed by Joe Reinsvold
The CBET Handbook for the Oxford Picture Dictionaries
by James Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro
Reviewed by Carmen Waszak