Volume 1.1

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VOLUME 1 • NUMBER 1 • 1988

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The CATESOL Journal Editorial Staff

1988-1989 CATESOL Board of Directors

Editors’ Note
Denise Murray and Dorothy Messerschmitt


English as a Bridge Between Cultures:
Scotland, Carolina, and California
Patricia C. Nichols

Cambodian Refugees: Factors Affecting Their Assimilation
and English Language Acquisition
Usha Welaratna

The “Process Approach” to Writing Instruction:
An Examination of Issues
Christine Pearson Casanave

Changing Models for Writing Instruction:
Helping ESL Writers Develop a Sense of Audience
Alice M. Roy and Sandra Mano

Comprehensible Textbooks in Science for the Non-Native
English Speaker: Evidence from Discourse Analysis
Alice A. Addison

Demographic Trends and Student Progress
in the San Jose City College ESL Program, 1982-1987
Alice Gosak

Postsecondary ESL Programs in California: A Profile
Karen L. Fox and Terrence G. Wiley

Where Vocabulary Meets Grammar:
Verb Subcategorization Errors in ESL Writers
Philip Hubbard and Donna Hix


Using Classroom Space: From Traditional Rows to Musical Chairs
Elizabeth Leite

Teachers’ and Administrators’ Concerns
About the TOEFL Test of Written English
Alice M. Roy

Tips on Working Effectively With a Multi-Cultural Workforce
Paul M. Kameny


Please click on the word “Reviews” to download the reviews listed below.

Interactive Reading  by Suzanne Salimbene
Reviewed by Carolyn Baker

Strategies for Readers
—Book 1 and  Book 2 by Christine Pearson Casanave
Reviewed by Denise Murray