Volume 6.1

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VOLUME 6 · NUMBER 1 · 1993

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The CATESOL Journal Editorial Staff

1993-1994 CATESOL Board of Directors

Editors’ Note
Dorothy Messerschmitt and Denise Murray


ESL Techniques for Peace
Barbara M. Birch

Keys to Effective Peer Response
Karen Yoshihara

ESL Students at Risk: Identification and Intervention
Janet Lane, Ellen Lange, and Mary Lowry

Making Use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in
Higher Education: A Report From UCLA
Brian Lynch and Peter Coughlan


What Practicing Teachers Value in Their MATESOL Education:
A Retrospective Needs Analysis
Donna M. Brinton

TESOL Teacher Education Programs
in the California State Universities
Roberta J. Ching

Interdisciplinary Contact Assignments to Enhance
Cross-Cultural Understanding
Marsha Chan

The Challenges of Teaching Grammar
in the Advanced Classroom
Melinda S. Matice


Please click on the word “Reviews” to download the reviews listed below.

Voices in Literature
by Mary Lou McCloskey and Lydia Stack
Reviewed by Linda Sasser

Visions: A Preintermediate Grammar
by Emily Lites and Jean Lehman
Reviewed by Helen Sophia Solorzano

Transitions: An Interactive Reading, Writing, and Grammar Text
by Linda Bates
Reviewed by Laurie Betta

The Power of Reading: Insights From the Research
by Stephen Krashen
Reviewed by Elizabeth Leite

Book Bytes
Elizabeth Leite, Editor