Volume 3.1

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VOLUME 3 • NUMBER 1 • 1990

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The CATESOL Journal Editorial Staff

1990-1991 CATESOL Board of Directors

Editors’ Note
Dorothy Messerschmitt and Denise Murray


Potential Problems with Peer Responding in ESL Writing Classes
Ilona Leki

The Effects of Peer and Self-Feedback
Virginia Berger

ESL Instruction in the Workplace
Diane L. Andrews

A Critical Hermeneutic Analysis of Foreign Language Teaching:
Implications for Teachers in the People’s Republic of China
Ellen A. Herda

The Comparative Effectiveness of Word Lists
and Video-Graphic Cues on University Level ESL Students’
Vocabulary in Context Learning
Raymond Devenney

Extensive Reading through Sustained Silent Reading:
Developing Comprehension in Adult Learners
Ellen Lipp


Writing Performance: A Class Act
Claudine Poggi

Journals Revisited: Student-Centered Materials for Teaching Writing
Margaret Grant and Susan Caesar

The Spoken English Proficiency of International Graduates
from California MATESL Programs
Peter Master

ESL in the California State University:
Who Are We? And Where Will We Go?
Denise E. Murray


Please click on the word “Reviews” to download the reviews listed below.

Coherence in Writing: Research and Pedagogical Perspectives
edited by Ulla Connor and Ann M. Johns
Reviewed by Johnnie Johnson Hafernik

Roles of Teachers and Learners by Tony Wright
Reviewed by Denise E. Murray

Book Bytes
Natalie Kuhlman, Editor, Denise E. Murray, and Robby Ching