Volume 11.1

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VOLUME 11 • NUMBER 1 • 1999

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The CATESOL Journal Editorial Staff

1999-2000 CATESOL Board of Directors

Editors’ Note
Donna Brinton and Robby Ching


Lexical Issues in the University ESL Writing Class
Lowry, Mary

Interlanguage Pragmatics: What Can it Offer to Language Teachers?
Matsuda, Aya

Promoting Collaboration: Using Computer-mediated
Communication Tools in the Practicum Course
Kamhi-Stein, Lia

Teaching ESL Online
Lieu, Mark

Teaching English as a Sexist Language:
Assessing and Addressing Gender Bias in ELT
Wong, Mary Shepard

New Dialogues in Mainstream/ESL Teacher Collaboration
Case, Rod

Sequencing Information Competency Skills in an ESL Program
Mitoma, Dona & Son, Kathryn


K-12 Education in the Post Proposition 227 Era
Dunlap, Susan

English Language Development Standards: The California Model
Kuhlman, Natalie & Nadeau, Adel

Responding to Change:
A Small-District Staff Development Model
Sasser, Linda

After Proposition 227: Crises, Challenges, and Concerns
Fields, Sara


Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain:
Taking a Critical Look at the Internet and Language Teaching
Lincoln, Kirsten

Simplified Literature in the Intermediate ESL Classroom
Donigan, J. Lindsay M.


Please click on the word “Reviews” to download the reviews listed below.

Teaching Science to Language Minority Students: Theory and Practice
By Judith Rosenthal
Reviewed by Marilena Christodorescu

Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy
By James Coady and Thomas Huckin (Eds.)
Reviewed by Ellen Lipp

Newbury House Guide to Writing
By M. E. Sokolik
Reviewed by Moira Stuart

Pronunciation Power
Reviewed by Scott Bean

Grade Quick!
Reviewed by Tomi Cunningham